Our Best Back to School Tips


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As our summer is ending and back to school is ramping up, we know it can be not easy getting back into the rhythm of a regular schedule for the entire family. Ultimately planning will ease the transition. If we start a few weeks before the first day of school, it will be smooth sailing. We have tips and strategies to make the whole family’s first day of school much more effortless.

Check with your child’s school:

  1. Verify any upcoming dates such as “meet the teacher” and the first day of school
  2. If your child rides the bus, check that there have been no changes
  3. Have there been any policy changes, such as the dress code?
  4. School supply list

Make a plan:

  1. Help your child outline their school day to see how their day will roll out. 

For instance… 

  1. What time to wake up
  2. What time to leave the house
  3. When do they need to be at school
  4. When is lunch
  5. What time is recess

Plan Lunch:

As a family, decide if your student is packing a lunch or buying lunch at school. If possible, let your children make this decision to allow more empowerment. 

Plan Transportation:


  1. If your child is riding the bus, ensure you know which bus they are riding, such as the bus number.
  2. Many schools offer the bus driver’s name to help build trust for new bus riders.
  3.  What time is the morning pick-up, and where will the bus pick up your child?
  4.  What time is the bus leaving the school in the afternoon, and where are they getting picked up and dropped off?

Parent Drop Off and Pick Up:

  1. Many schools offer specific grade drop-off and pick-up lanes
  2. What time can your student be dropped off?
  3. What time is the student picked up
  4. How does the school know they are letting the right child in the right vehicle.

Plan For a Good Night’s Sleep:

  1. Start preparing for bed 30 minutes before bedtime.
  2. Set and enforce weekday and weekend bedtimes

Plan For Smooth Mornings:

  1. Set out clothes the night before
  2. Have backpacks ready the night before
  3. Prepack lunches the night before if possible

