4 States LIVE! December 23, 2020


We’re gearing up for a Wednesday on 4 States Live!
Suzanne from Suzanne’s Natural Foods will be here. She’ll talk about some olfactory recovery kits she has available if you’re on the mend from Covid. Plus, organic last minute treats/house warming ideas for those who choose to gather for the holidays. Or maybe it’s just for yourself.

Start your day with 4 States Live, weekday mornings from 7-9 am! We leave politics at the door and share what’s going on in our community. Join Shannon Bruffett and local guests from right here in the four states! You never know who might stop by but it’s going to be fun and informative!

If you have a question or comment, would like to be on the show, or want to tell us about a guest you would like to hear on 4 States Live, Send us an Email! Send it to 4States@KKOWRadio.com